This blog is primarily about knowledge and discovery in Science and Technology. But the nadir of the human race during WW II is a sharp reminder that knowledge/sophistication without humanity is not even remotely good! Well, History falls among my interests, as detailed in my blog entry on courses I took (scroll to bottom.) And WW II is a gripping chapter of history. Personally, I had relatives who lived thru it... so that adds an extra sharp edge. In addition to the courses mentioned in the above blog entry, I have watched large numbers of both documentaries and dramatic films about WW II... and I wrote down my impression and evaluation. Discussions with my friend Karen (RIP, her memorial appears at the bottom), inspired me to put together this entry! All the fictional and non-fictional suggestions here are movies/documentaries I "really" liked or "loved" . I did NOT include the ones I disliked or felt lukewarm about it. All the blurbs are my own mini review...